From "Wonder is sexy. Knowledge is sexy. And embodying both as much as any man in the world today is a man in a tweed jacket riding his bike around the Oxford University campuses, the damp English breeze sweeping a curtain of silver hair from the delicate bones of his face. Yes, those cheekbones, those piercing eyes, that pursed bow of a mouth -- but that brain, oh that brain, oh, god, that brain -- is what makes...

"Richard Dawkins, evolutionary biologist and the most famous atheist in the world, the sexiest man around. Dawkins is the professor I never had an affair with, whose very sentence structure threatens to weaken my concentration on the content of his words. Call me deluded: I ache for his atheism; I reel from his reasoning. He is my James Bond, a well-attired, fearless seeker of truth in the face of nihilism.
I dream of his perfectly-accented voice -- Oxbridge softened by a childhood spent in, sigh, East Africa -- whispering to me from his latest book, "The God Delusion," a defense of endless curiosity in the face of omnipresent theism. "If the demise of god will leave a gap, different people will fill it in different ways. My way includes a good dose of science, the honest and systematic endeavor to find out the truth about the real world." Take me with you, Richard: You put the "sex" in sexagenarian. Let us clinch in a godless embrace, crying out to what we know does not exist, searching, searching evermore."


Oh hells yeah. Dawkins, take me now! You can snidely deride me in that oh-so-sexy accent for my foolish belief in God, and then when that gets old you can read to me from The Ancestor's Tale. Choanoflagellates get me so hot.


  1. Anonymous said...

    nothing gets me more hot and bothered than smug cynicism.
    Anonymous said...
    oops, that was me (Joel)
    Seth Studer said...
    "Evolution is a theory, a hairbrained theory that says I'm a monkey. I'm not a monkey! I'm a woman."

    "Let us not forget the Great Richard Dawkins, who finally freed the world of religion long ago."

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