It is finished!

Eeee, I haven't posted in over a week, shame on me. In my defense though, I've been really busy with lots of end-of-the-semester stuff to do. However, that's all over and done with, and I am FINISHED with my first semester of grad school! I am one-fourth of the way to my master's degree in library science, go me. AND I got my pathfinder done, which I am supremely proud of. A pathfinder, for those who aren't aware, is basically an online research guide, and we were required to do one as our final project in my reference class. I did mine on eighteenth-century women novelists, which is a topic I'm sure everyone is equally as fascinated with as I am. At any rate, here is my beautiful website, which I'm sure my readers (all four of them) will want to add to their favorites immediately for quick consultation in the future.


  1. Sarah said...
    She's beautiful, Kristi! You should be so proud. :)
    Seth Studer said...
    Even though I made fun of you, it's a really fantastic website. Great job, and congratulations!

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