Officially my reading time doesn't end until 7:00 tomorrow morning, but there is no way that I'm going to stay up reading that whole time, so I'm officially calling it quits. I'm actually right in the middle of The Sherwood Ring by Elizabeth Marie Pope, but I need sleep. Maybe if I finish it tomorrow I'll go ahead and post a review, but for now I'll just count the pages I've read so far.

So, here's my stats:

Books read: 7 1/2
Pages read: 2401
Hours spent reading: About 20
Favorite book read: It's a very tough choice, because I loved several of the books, but I'd say it's a tossup between The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks and The Dead and the Gone
Least favorite: Definitely Wake

Some thoughts: Yay, I did better than last year! Still nowhere near the levels of some of the super readers, but as much as I love reading, I found that I couldn't just sit still hour after hour. I had to take breaks for bike rides and the Internet and a little bit of tube-gazing. Plus I took quite a bit of time writing up my reviews that I guess I could've spent reading. But oh well - I wasn't really doing this to set record numbers of pages read or anything, just as a fun way to spend a free weekend and get a lot of books read. So overall, great experience, and I'll definitely have to do this next year.


  1. web said...
    I put in almost as much time writing as reading... it's just no fun otherwise. :-)
    Lenore Appelhans said...
    I loved The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau Banks (in fact, I reviewed it last week - read it here:

    I also felt like I needed some breaks (I did take mini 5 min. breaks but didn't keep good track of, so they are counted in my reading time).
    Anonymous said...
    I loved Disreputable History!
    Anonymous said...
    The writing seems to take me ages, though I always intend to be concise and efficient. But a lot of it's time looking back at passages I've marked, and thinking about whether they'll make any sense out of context, or be too spoilerish, or are too long, and I'm very slow at that. Plus my bits of paper tend to fall out and I can never find flags or mini-post-its when I need them!

    I'm another of the huge Frankie Landau-Banks fans, btw.
    Mary Ann said...
    i posted elsewhere - but I am noticing based on the challenge we seem to like the same books. I adored both Frankie and Dairy Queen.
    MotherReader said...
    You're a participant winner! Sent me your address and preferred book - early chapter book, middle-grade or YA - and the name you'd like it signed to. My email is motherreader AT gmail DOT com. (Replace the AT and DOT with the right symbols.)

    Thanks for playing!
    Ms. Yingling said...
    My daughter loved Frankie as well, although how sad that boys have not changed all that much in the last 25 years. And since I'm raising a son, will I somehow go wrong as well? Sigh.
    Kristi said...
    Wow, that's a lot of pages! You guys read so much faster than I do ;>0. Oh well, I enjoyed the 48-hour book challenge anyway.

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